Sunday, January 7 through Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Sumter Oaks, SKP

Our trip to Sumter Oaks Escapee RV park in Bushnell, FL was an easy 142.5 miles (84,972.2 total). Finally, we could fill the propane tank and quit worrying that we might run out. As it turned out, it only took 22 gallons to fill the tank meaning we still had about 18 gallons on board - we were never in any danger of running out!

Sand Hill Cranes have a very loud and very distinctive call. I found them a few rows over from our site. This crazy bird was fighting with his own reflection in the grill of a pick-up truck. His companion just did a little preening while her man protected their territory.

I don't think she was really impressed - you could almost see the disappointment on her face trying to figure out when he would give up the fight with the phantom bird.

Last time in Bushnell I found the extra hot salsa at the Coyote Rojo to be very tasty. Of course, we had to see if it was as good as I remembered - it was! In fact, over our four-day stay at Sumter Oaks, we visited the Red Coyote 3 times.

What a difference a few days and a few hundred miles to the south made. I could wear shorts and a tee shirt to walk Sam around the park. There were cows in the field to the west of the park along Cow Patty Lane.

On the east side of the park, we were able to visit with the Donkeys along Donkey Lane.

Since we didn't even call the park until we were two hours away, we were lucky they had room for us at all, but our four-night stay in the park required our moving three times. One night we dry camped with a beautiful view of the swamp. When we were quiet, the birds came within maybe 20 feet of our coach while far in the background you could see birds flocking from every direction to fill the trees a couple hundred yards away.

My guess was there were several hundred birds gathered. At least I never got any creepy Alfred Hitchcock The Birds kind of feeling.

Sumter Oaks is a bit run down, but its convenience to I-75 makes it one of our favorite SKP parks and I am sure we will be back again next time through Florida.

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