Tuesday, September 4, 2018, Move to Val Vista Village, Mesa, AZ

Today we finally completed our trip to Mesa, AZ, where we will stay for as long as four months (Cal Am Fall Special - Sept. 4th through Jan. 1st for $995). That will be our longest stay in any single place since we started full time living nearly six years ago. Our drive was a modest 192.3 miles (90,974.6 total) that started with a fill-up at the King Soopers (aka Fry's or Kroger in other parts of the country). Love those grocery points that gave us a $0.40 discount on our first 35 gallons. Since we drove around the area previously, it went pretty smoothly, especially considering it was in the heart of Flagstaff.

We were nearly home free on I-17 just about to I-10 in Phoenix when a golf ball sized rock flew off the road into the windshield right in front of my face. It was strange seeing it arc up and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Yeah, that left a mark - about a fist-sized fracture that might have put a damper on my mood, but that's why we have insurance - right?

Since we stayed in Mesa several years ago, a lot of the drive seemed pretty familiar. The streets in Val Vista Villages RV Resort were pretty tight, but we were the only folks checking in so there was no pressure to hurry. I might have chosen a site with a different orientation but Site 275 in the Fiesta section was really conveniently located close to the main dog park and not far from the pool, laundry and exercise facilities. I think this will work out just fine!

1 comment:

  1. I like your visited states maps. I'm going to see if I can figure out how to do that on wordpress.
