Monday, Tuesday, January 19 & 20, 2015

Quartzsite was covered with flea markets and vendors everywhere. There was something for everyone and a whole lot of stuff you really just did not need but wanted anyway.

Quartzsite was very pet-friendly.  Many RV'ers travel with a dog or cat (or two)...

...But this Sugar Glider was new to me!  Just $275 will get you started.

Inside the big tent, there were a lot of vendors mostly aimed towards Rv'ers. We tried very hard to just look on our first visit. It's better to sleep on purchases rather than jumping right into buying. My strategy worked - I don't think we bought anything. I did, however, note a few things to research (and buy later, unless I can find better prices online).

We skipped the first two days of the show hoping for reduced crowds. Oops, it didn't work.

I thought this was a little different - there were electric vehicle charging stations behind the Carl's Jr. Sure enough, there was a Tesla plugged in. I suppose the owners were inside having a burger while the car charged.

Our coaches were nearly three-quarters of a mile from the highway beside the jeep trail they called a road. Our car had a rough time negotiating the rocks, so driving slowly not only produced less dust for fellow campers, but it also protected our oil pan!

To the right are our coaches and to the left, you can see just how crowded the area was. Any level place was fair game, as long as you didn't encroach too terribly on your neighbors.

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