Saturday, January 10, 2015

We had several days at the North Ranch Escapee Park in Congress, AZ, with the threat of rain hanging around. It actually did rain a little, but it mostly just gave us some nice looking skies  Gary's lot backs up to a wash where Sam loved to walk. I think the coyotes left some interesting scents that Sam loved to explore.

Everyone has to have a hobby - this guy created art from empty Coke cans. The first time I passed this lot I didn't even notice the can cactus.

I met Gary's neighbor, Jodi, while walking Sam one morning. I asked her about the big grapefruit tree in her back yard. I found out it actually had grapefruit, oranges and lemons growing on it. The tree included grafts from all three fruit trees. She said we could help ourselves to grapefruit - I love freshly picked fruit! The oranges were difficult to see, but they were definitely in there.

The park had a very nice cactus garden. There were some fine specimens with labels which helped me to learn some of the cacti names.

I really liked the Teddy Bear Cholla which looked soft and cuddly, but those spines were sharp!

This guy had a different way of carrying his Jeep around with him. I thought he was just showing off his Jeep's climbing prowess, but he admitted he actually used a winch to stow the Jeep for travel.

There were some ATV trails out of the park. Loren and I rode our bicycles out to the Lonely Saguaro. Loose sand in a few of the washes made the trail difficult on bikes

The afternoon sun would light up the clouds giving them a luminous look - they looked even more luminous when viewed with a glass of wine in my hand - the perfect end to a lazy day.

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