Sunday, June 4, 2017, Albuquerque Balloon Museum

We were visiting at the wrong time so we missed the famous balloon festival, but we could at least visit the Anderson Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum.

Sure, look at me, the intrepid explorer. I suspect if I was in a real balloon I would be a lot more like Joani below, except my eyes would be closed.

We saw the gondolas of many famous balloon adventures. Below was the first balloon to cross the English channel.

Next was the first trans-Atlantic balloon adventure,

And the first trans-Pacific balloon journey,

And, finally, the first around-the-world balloon trip.

There was even a balloon simulator where I could pilot a balloon by pulling on one rope to activate a "gas burner" and another rope to vent warm air. The software presumably represented the delay between burner activation and response making it pretty tricky to control the balloon. I think I had what would be termed "beginner's luck".

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