May 6 thru 12, 2024, Duluth, Minnesota Adventures

We lived in Duluth, GA, for ten years. So while we were close we visited its sister city, Duluth, MN. Our 153-mile drive was entirely on Interstate Highway so the route could not have been easier. The wind made its presence felt but it was not so terrible and the rain cooperated to break camp and to set up in Indian Point Campground.

The weather during our stay was sometimes less than ideal but we went out anytime it wasn't raining. Forty-mile-per-hour gusts whipped Lake Superior into some angry waves at the Marine Museum near the aerial lift bridge at the Duluth entry to the Harbor Basin.

On the 12th Street Beach, we felt the sand sting our faces as the winds blew in off of the lake.

Just across the street from our campground was the Lake Superior Zoo. I know, another zoo? We were close enough to walk to this one so we did. We spent most of our time inside with a variety of colorful and strange specimens.

Red Crested Turaco,

The Snow Leopard was keeping cool outside.

We spent some time with the Kodiak Bears who did not seem to mind the rather brisk outside temperatures. These two gave us a show with some playful fighting over the coveted mud hole.

When you want a doggy to come to you just sit down and it will.  It seems to work for bears, too.

The otters were curious but had no intention of leaving their cozy house to swim around for us.

Another day we visited Enger Park. This will look nice in another few weeks when everything is in bloom. We certainly got our steps in climbing up the tower and walking the grounds.

The view from six floors up, above the trees was nice with panoramic views of the city below.

A Japanese Zen Garden included a pavilion with the Ohara Peace Bell. It was a big hit with all of the kids loving the chance to ring the huge brass bell.

Does this count as a "selfie"?

We drove along the North Shore Drive several times, of course, looking for rocks. Joani was kidding (I think) about the big red rock but our anniversary was coming up - maybe we keep looking for something a little smaller.

Can I have it?  Please, please, please!

The view of Duluth from the north showed some color bands in the water that were a mystery to me.

While Joani was scouring the shoreline I hiked across the road to find we were at the end of the North Shore Scenic Railroad line. I was able to get a good shot of the steam train. It was actually backing towards town at this point but you probably wouldn't know if I hadn't told you.

On the way back from the north shore I noticed the lift bridge was up. Unfortunately, my timing was off and I did not get to watch the freighter navigate under the bridge. They do have estimated times for arrivals but they are plus or minus an hour so we opted not to wait for another ship.

Duluth had many options for dining out. We feasted on a Chinese buffet one day, a Famous Dave's another day, a nice Mexican restaurant on yet another day, and our old standby, Panera another. They even had a Costco - what more could you ask for? On our last day, the weather cleared and warmed up so that we could properly pack and put the car on the dolly to leave. All-in-all a nice visit to our one-time sister city.  

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