Sunday, May 5, 2024, Como Zoo, St. Paul, Minnesota

We woke to a bright sunny day and headed back to Como Park to visit the zoo. First up, and my favorite, was the primate house. The guy below must have been the head honcho in this exhibit. He was getting the "royal treatment" as he surveyed his kingdom.

This guy had a look that said "Don't mess with me while I'm eating - I'm crazy".

This guy was just plain tired of it all!

The Silverback Gorillas were having a breakfast of celery stalks and did not appreciate me watching. It was difficult not to think he was looking directly at me. 

This old guy finished breakfast and decided to soak up some sun while it was shining.

Now on to the usual zoo residents

The cat house was my second favorite with an extensive collection of cats from around the world. Many of them were inside where pictures were impractical because of poor lighting, dirty glass, and quick-moving subjects.

The Bengal Tiger was very active. He prowled to the full extent of his domain and was loudly telling everyone about something. It just sounded like "Owwwwww" over and over. Then he proceeded back to a rock where he was warming a bird he had earlier caught and he ate it! Maybe Owwww meant he got one.

The Polar Bear exhibit was interesting once the big guy decided to go for a swim. Unfortunately, I was not able to get a decent shot of him in the pool but he looked pretty regal up on his lookout rock.

The seals were a popular attraction and our last stop. They get some of the top billing in zoo advertisements and a huge gallery for the crowd. They seemed highly motivated to perform for some fish (apparently, the fish are really tasty)!

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