Sunday, August 4, 2013, Space Needle, Pacific Science Museum, Butterfly House,EMP Museum (Experience Music Project), Seattle, WA

We decided to get an early start to maximize our sightseeing in Seattle, WA. The Space Needle was the only thing to open before 10:00, so we started there. We walked right to the elevators and up - no waiting this early in the morning!

Saw this on the way up.  We walked around this little building never noticing the painted ground.

A running track and a tennis court atop the parking garage - I love it!

500+ feet above the EMP Museum.

These stunning 3D paintings of harvestman arachnids - which are not technically spiders - are the creation of artist Marlin Peterson.

This caught our attention right away. The top floor of this parking structure was covered with gardens. 

I was very curious, so I googled to find out that it is a community garden atop a public parking garage and the Airstream is used as their tool shed.

At 10:00 we were second in line to get into the Pacific Science Museum (part of our City Pass).  

David made me do it.

We saw the IMAX movie about the Monarch Butterfly. Their life has to be one of the strangest on the planet. How can it take three generations to complete one migration cycle? Don't even get me started on metamorphosis - just plain weird.

Not fond of 3-D (hate the glasses) but the movie, "Flight of the Butterflies", was fantastic.

Of course, the next stop had to be the butterfly house. They had quite a variety and you needed to watch your step - they sometimes rested on the sidewalks.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (female) Papilio glaucus

Owl Butterfly Caligo memnon

Scarlet Swallowtail (male) Papilio rumanzovia

Scarlet Swallowtail (female) papilio rumanzovia

Gray Cracker Hamadryas Februa

This was one thing I don't remember ever hearing about. We had some fun playing with this exhibit.

Maybe we have been in too many science museums lately, but these made me laugh!

A globe like this is now on David's Christmas wish list!

We spent more time in the Pacific Science Center than planned, so we walked across the street for a quick bite at McDonald's and then on to the EMP Museum (Experience Music Project). Music, Pop Culture - we were not sure what to expect but thought it would be quick. Wrong! It was unlike any place we had been before.  

Fantasy Exhibit was first.

The Princess Bride is one of our favorite movies, so it was a treat to see the original costumes worn by the actors, including the six-fingered glove, on display. It was nearly "Inconceivable!"

The next wing was my favorite (we went through it twice), Icons of Science Fiction.

How many can you identify?

Robby the Robot - Classic - from "Forbidden Planet"

We took turns entering hyperspace.

This was billed as being from the actual set for the Original Star Trek series - Captain Kirk's backside sat in this very chair!

Lt. Uhura's Uniform

Lt. Cmdr. Data's Uniform

Next, we saw collectibles from the movie and series "Stargate" - more of my favorites.

 Any "Stargate" fans out there?  We watched it for 10 years!

Computer animation digitally added to your shadow in real time,
as you step in front of the screen and then move around.
David had a ball.  Video upon request.

Watching an "OKGO" music video in sky church.
If you have no clue of which I speak, then you need to watch some of their many fantastic videos on youtube.
This too shall pass - Rube Goldburg is my favorite, but they have many more.

Would you like some eggs with that ham?

Favorite "Princess Bride" t-shirts

David had a tussle with an R.O.U.S. in the gift shop.
David clearly won (without the help of a flame spurt)!
Again, if you have no clue of which I speak, then you need to watch the best movie ever - "Princess Bride".

The building's architecture was just as unusual inside as it was out.

A 140,000 square foot Frank O. Gehry designed building that houses multiple innovative galleries and Sky Church, which houses a Barco C7 black package LED screen, one of the largest indoor LED screens in the world.  (Wikipedia)

We had been on our feet all day and were tired, so we went home before dark for a change.

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