Wednesday, June 13, 2024, St. Andrews, New Brunswick via Newport, ME

Instead of a really long trip to New Brunswick staying in Canada over the top of Maine, we chose a route through Maine. The secondary roads along this route (there were no primary roads) needed repair. The hills required the transmission to downshift every time, usually to 4th but there were some 3rd gear hills. Fortunately, once we crossed into the US the roads improved and many hills included a passing lane.

We stopped for the night in Newport, Maine, (185 miles) at Christie's Campground on Sebasticook Lake. When we arrived we were treated to some nice cloud drama.

We spent the night at Christie's Campground specifically to have shore power. We did not want to repeat a fretful night of fridge operation on propane. The irony was that lightning knocked out power for about four hours in the campground. I switched to propane operation and to our surprise, it cooled!

The next morning we had a short drive back into Canada to reach St. Andrews, NB, (145 miles) so we took our time. After doing the laundry and taking long showers we headed for the border.

Only one gate was open at the border crossing so things were slow. After the usual questions, the agent gave me a slip of paper and told me to park to the side and go into the building. There was nothing said, I guess they assumed we knew what was happening. We were told to have a seat. Two agents snapped on blue gloves and headed out to our coach. A third joined them and they proceeded to go through the coach looking for contraband. They had me unlock every basement bay and the car so they could inspect all of that as well. After 20-30 minutes their only question was "What's with all the rocks, are you a geologist?" They were happy with Joani's obsession, I mean explanation, and we were cleared to go.

The remainder of the drive went well although some of the roads in St. Andrews were quite narrow. We checked in at Kiwanis Oceanfront Campground. As soon as we were set up we headed for the shoreline - so many rocks!

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