June 26 thru 27, 2024, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

It was time to leave Prince Edward Island and head to Halifax, Nova Scotia, a journey of 204 miles. Getting off the island required a hefty toll but Fantasy had us covered with vouchers to cover the cost.

The Woodhaven campground was tight but we all fit in and were close to a gathering hall that we used several evenings during our stay.

A number of our group attended game night and engaged in various activities.

The group below had a blast as each player had three Loonies on the line in a winner-take-all game of "left-right-center."

We visited the Hydrostone neighborhood for some shopping. Joani knew exactly what she wanted to find as a souvenir of this trip and found it in a little flower shop.

Hydrostone Neighborhood has a rich history borne in tragedy. "From the ashes of the catastrophic Halifax Explosion, which shattered the City’s North End on 6 December 1917, rose the Hydrostone District."

I have been searching for a small pot with a drain hole to plant a cactus I found on Steve's ranch in Texas. I was so successful I found two!

It was raining intermittently throughout the day, not ideal for sightseeing but we wanted to get a taste of the city.

While on a very narrow one-way street in downtown Halifax, traffic stopped. After a few minutes, I noticed drivers ahead were exiting their vehicles. A car had stalled blocking the street. We couldn't back up so we had to wait until the car was pushed to the curb. That was enough for me for the day. I was really uncomfortable with the tight city traffic and narrow streets so we called it a day.

Back at the campground, the dining hall was put to good use another night by our hosts, Steve and Jennifer and Jim and Chris, as they cooked for us. We ate Swedish meatballs and mixed veggies until we were stuffed and then they brought out dessert - none for me but it looked so good!

Steve did not have to twist my arm to make me take some meatballs home for later. After dinner, we ran through the travel briefing for our next stop because the activities the next night would keep us out late.

The pictures below were from our last day between dinner and the Tattoo. I quickly hiked to the waterfront and back. The weather could not have been more perfect and I was nearly running to cover more than a mile and still be back in time for the Tattoo. 

The little boat below was the impetus for my whirlwind excursion to the waterfront. Apparently, the $200 million yacht belonged to J. K. Rowling. I have no idea if she was aboard and I did not pester security with any questions.

Clearly, the waterfront had a lot to explore and I hope we might return another time to take it all in.

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