Thursday, July 7, 2016

We tried to sleep through a real frog strangler last night.  Lots of lightning and thunder that drove Sam into a frenzy.  I wondered if the camp host was going to knock on the door and have us get to the storm shelter.  Things calmed down by morning, but the sky was still strangely ominous as I walked Sam.  Off to the north, it was clearly still raining.

I had planned to finally try cleaning the radiator, but the ground was pretty muddy, so it had to wait.  Instead, we drove into York where we found a Chinese buffet in front of the Walmart.  Yes, we hurt ourselves, again.  Someday we may lose that gluttonous urge that can only end in disaster when we visit an all-you-can-eat buffet, but that day is probably far in the future.

Later, when I could move again, I crawled under the coach with the air gun and tried to blow the dirt out of the radiator.  What a mess, but I felt like I might have done some good - time will tell.  I threw my t-shirt away - there was no hope of it ever being clean again.  After a shower, I relaxed poolside for a while before a dinner that consisted of a single glass of wine.

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