Monday, May 13, 2019 Move to Page, AZ

After a comfortable night at the Home Depot, we got an early start and headed north on Arizona highway 89 to complete our journey to Page, AZ. The road was pretty good and mostly level so it was a pleasant drive. We drove a total of 135.8 miles (92,794.5 total) to the Wahweap campground on Lake Powell in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. 

Along the way, we saw some spectacular scenery as you can see below.

I said highway 89 was mostly level, but there was one 3-mile uphill grade we had to take pretty slowly. You probably can't tell by the picture below but we would have had to climb another 300 feet if not for this excavation effort.

After the climb, it was all downhill for the last 12 miles into Page, AZ

When we finally saw Lake Powell we were very much impressed with the color and the gorgeous panoramas. It took some time to adjust to the scale of things. The clear air and distant horizons made us think things were much closer than they actually were.

We were early enough that there was no wait for check-in and our site was already vacated so we were set up before noon. Just look at that view!

We had plenty of daylight to do a little exploring. First up was an overlook where we could view the Glen Canyon Dam. It was built in the '60s and had the advantage of the lessons learned from the Hoover Dam downstream built in the '30s. Everything seemed to have been completed a little bit more efficiently. They even built the bridge at the same time so there was never any significant traffic across the dam. 

I was surprised at just how clear the river was. Apparently, all of the sediment was left behind the dam and the river reflected the bright blue sky with a passion.

Later in the afternoon, we headed to the Wahweap overlook off of highway 89 for the sunset color. 

We ran around so much it was difficult to believe this was actually a moving day - can't wait to see what the coming week has in store for us!

1 comment:

  1. We have houseboat on Lake Powell several times. There is such beautiful scenery there - and great job capturing some of it in your photos! Enjoy!
