Friday, July 12, 2024, Move to Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick, Canada

We were scheduled to have pancakes and sausage served up by our tour hosts but four inches of rain overnight inundated the gathering room and breakfast had to be cancelled. The water was so high we had to find an alternate exit to avoid the foot deep water over the normal exit drive.

The Debert River was nearly over the levee.

Our travel today took us 118 miles to Ponderosa Pines campground on Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick. This park gave us easy access to Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park. We backed into a new site that was level, high, and dry!

The park could not accommodate our entire group in one area but we had a nice gathering area near our Wagon Masters coach at the end of the park (just beyond the truck on the right).

A few steps away from our site was a trail to a Salt Marsh along the Bay of Fundy.

We could have hiked many more miles through the forest but it felt like we needed to drive to the provincial park to see one of the iconic scenes of this tour. I took a few pretty pictures and we returned home.

We relaxed a bit waiting for high tide before heading to Hopewell Rocks (also known as "Flowerpot Rocks"). I had no idea how far it was from the parking lot to the overlook. It was more than I would have elected to hike but we had to see the rocks at high tide and this was our only opportunity. We made it to the overlook just a few minutes after high tide but I doubt we would have noticed a difference. It was a long uphill climb back to the car and there was an option to ride a cart to the top but we were good and got our steps in.

While it was still daylight and nearly high tide we checked the salt marsh again and could see a significant difference in the water level.

Happy to be out of the rain for a while and with so many steps for the day we settled in for a good night's sleep. 

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