Wednesday, July 10, 2024, Move to Elm River Park, Glenholme, Nova Scotia, Canada

The move from Cove Oceanfront Campground to Elm River Park near Glenholme, New Brunswick, was 180 miles. We never found out why the Elm River Campground was on the banks of the Debert River. We quickly set up camp and headed to the Fundy Discovery Site to see the tidal bore. The view when we arrived included a large sandbar in the middle of the river.

We saw a large contingent of Fantasy Tour members lining the walkway of the viewing area.

Mark, Monica, Marcia, and Butch are to our right.

Sherry and Chris are to our left.

Joan and Annalee, are not far away.

We only had to wait a few minutes before the water rushed through the tidal bore. We first saw a wave of water round the bend and within a few minutes the sandbar was underwater as the level quickly rose. The Salmon River flow was overwhelmed by the Bay of Fundy tide. The tidal bore was earlier than forecast and a busload of disappointed tourists sadly arrived a few minutes too late to see the spectacle. Hopefully, they were staying around long enough for the next high tide.

We stopped at the Masstown Market on the way back to the campground. It was one of the nicest markets we visited in Canada. There was a huge variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and ready to heat-and-eat meals. We picked up a Lobster Pot Pie and a Ham and Cheese Quiche.

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