Sunday, July 13, 2014

There were big cowboy doin's in Cheyenne (Frontier Days) - so finding a site there was pretty much out of the question.  We decided instead to head west towards Grand Tetons NP.  Joani found a small Passport America park, Mountain View RV, just outside of Landers, WY that was about half way - just a 146.8 mile trip (69,839.0 total).  I had talked with a couple familiar with Wyoming about highway 26.  They told me it was good all the way into the park and they were correct.  Smooth, wide and very little traffic made for a pleasant drive.

The campground could have used a bit of maintenance, but the couple who owned it were pleasant enough to overlook those shortcomings. There were, at most, 7 RVs there (including us) and I think almost all of them were more or less permanent residents.  We were located right on the ranch and had a 360 degree view of rolling hills and pastures stretching to the mountains in every direction.  Coupled with the cloud drama we had every day, it was a great place to relax and enjoy the scenery for a few days.

The cloud drama from our coach looking south was fleeting, gone in minutes.

 Walking to Ray Lake proved impossible.  We were immediately encased in mosquitoes.

 We hightailed it back to the car and drove the mile to catch a sunset over the little lake.

The mosquitoes were so thick, rolling the window down was not an option!

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