Friday, February 13, 2015

I took Sam on a long walk and returned to another project. Joani had pulled the arms off of the couch so their height could be reduced like we had previously done on the J-couch (one of our favorite improvements).

When David returned, it looked like someone had ransacked our little abode!

This is what it looks like when we are in the throes of a project.

Since we had already worked through exactly how to make the modifications, the job went pretty quickly. I managed the framework, while Joani had the tricky job of cutting the material and stapling everything back together.  Sam hates to see me pull the compressor out of the basement and really hates to hear the staple gun, so he and I took another long walk while Joani finished the job.

 By lowering the arms on the couch, we gained 9 inches (from 63" up to 72").

The arms fit so tightly, we decided to not bolt them back in place. They can now be easily removed to clean up spilled messes.

We both can now fully stretch out on the couch.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are so incredibly handy. This will make it a lot nicer to come crash on your couch! :)
