Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I think the people of Montana should be pretty proud of their parks. We visited one of their city parks for a hike.  So many options and so little time!  We picked the 1906 trail.  It took us to the top of Mt. Helena where we had an exceptional view of the entire city of Helena and the surrounding area.  

Our hike took us through grasslands and thick forests.  We covered a total of 3.5 miles and climbed nearly 1,100 feet in altitude.  It was a very steep trail almost the entire length.

Sam met a few new friends along the way - Valiant and Peanut.  He shared some of his water with them and they got along extremely well. Their owner, Jeanie, lived near the bottom of the trail.  How cool would that be to live so near a park with such an extensive trail network? Jeanie told us to look for the "Sleeping Giant" when we got to the top. That gave Joani the incentive to finish the hike (she had been thinking about turning around).

Peanut and Valiant (I hope we are remembering their names correctly) were sweethearts!

The view from the top was beautiful!  It seemed like we had perfect weather for our hike, but as we stood there clouds started to gather overhead and we felt a few drops of rain.  Fortunately, it never rained more than a drop here and there and we were able to stay dry on the return hike to the car.  The hike might have been more than we bargained for since we both thought a nap, back at the coach, sounded like the best way to end the day's adventure. 

The threat of rain made the hike down a fast one, more akin to a jog!

Can you see the Sleeping Giant's profile in the distant hills?

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