Saturday, October 10, 2015, Providence Canyon SP

It had been cloudy for the past couple of days, so we stayed in, taking care of a few little things.  Obviously, there was a lot of catching up on the blog. We installed a pair of wall racks for storing the laptops when not in use (which means not very often).  I made them using 1/4 inch oak and I have some reservations about how rugged they are.

Today there was still a chance for rain, but the sun was peeking through the clouds, so it was a good time for a visit to Providence Canyon State Park just 9 miles down the road.  It is a small park with just a single spur roadway, maybe two miles long, leading to the visitors center.  We were surprised by the number of visitors until we realized it was Saturday.  There were several hiking choices, but we opted for just a quick stroll along the canyon rim trail.  We could see folks hiking below in the canyon which will have to wait for another day.

While there was a lot of color in the canyon walls, it was easy to see the real beauty of this park was still a few weeks away when the leaves turn.  

We found several mushrooms that had popped up after the rain with color to rival the canyon walls.  I thought an extreme close-up was in order - Joani decided to include me for scale.  It really was pretty big. The top was the size of a large hamburger bun.

"Caesar's Mushroom* (Amanita Caesarea Greville Complex)  If you follow the link, you can see they look very different when they first pop up.

Joani found I could get my National Park Pass at the Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge nearby.  We did not expect to find the place closed just after noon on a Saturday.  Oh well, onward into Eufaula, AL where we tried some local southern home cooking at Barb's Country Kitchen. It was nicely reviewed and it had potential, but we made the mistake of sitting down 10 minutes before the buffet closed, so the food was a bit sparse and a little past its prime.

After eating, we drove down one of the main streets and found ourselves in the middle of a street fair.  Many of the town's buildings were in need of some restoration.  It was clear, however, this quaint little town was full of southern charm. 

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