Monday, June 25, 2018, Oneida Casino, Green Bay, WI

Our move today was a bit longer than it had to be at 184.5 miles (87,617.0 total,) because I wanted to fill our propane tank. It was probably only an extra 10 miles or less, but we could not chance running out of propane since it was the only thing keeping our food cold. Maybe I forgot to mention the controller board on the refrigerator died, so it no longer operates on shore power. We were using propane faster than usual since all of our cooking lately had been on the stove while we were dry camping and, of course, we had been using the furnace when overnight lows were in the 40's.

Our drive took us to the Oneida Casino in Green Bay, WI. They have RV parking along a little used back roadway for $15/night which includes 30 amp power (I found later that sites 1 and 2 had 50 amp service). 

Being back in civilization, we almost immediately made a trip to Costco where we replenished the essentials - butter, pecans, Tequila and Gin!

We had signed up for the Player's Club and received $10 each in free play. So later in the evening, we visited the casino. It's always a challenge to divine which machine is in a generous mood. Of course, there is absolutely no way to determine such a thing, but between the two of us (mostly, Joani) we won enough to pay for our two-night stay!

We do not enjoy gambling with our own money, but gambling with free play money is a blast.

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