Friday, June 7, 2019, Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, Ft. Collins, CO

Today we made a little foray into Fort Collins, CO, to the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery. It was a highly rated Science/History museum we wanted to visit and a downtown area that was highly recommended for exploration.

Fort Collins Museum of Discovery is on our ASTC network, so free!

Each ball has the same potential energy at the start. Try to guess which track will be the fastest.

We never pass up a Tornado Chamber (if it is free). This tornado would be an F0 on the Fujita Scale.

 Who knew that ammonites, at one time, were Colorado residents?

 Stromatolites – Greek for ‘layered rock’ – are microbial reefs created by cyanobacteria (formerly known as blue-green algae). Rock hunting in Australia anyone?

 The Music and Sound Lab grabbed David's attention.

 Adjusting the frequency of the sound waves made the water jump and jive.

When I noticed the resonating water catching the lights, that was it, I could have played with this for hours.

There was a live animal exhibit that included a lot of gross things we chose to view and move on. Tarantulas and Millipedes are the stuff of nightmares but a big fat blob of a frog - that was picture worthy.

Litoria caerulea, Australian White's tree frog

This frog looked like a gummy bear, just a gelatinous clump of goo.

 It is about 4 inches long and has some color changing ability. It also has the ability to jamb himself into the corner of the aquarium exposing his soft underbelly!

 "Give me a long enough lever and I could lift the world" Archimedes

Topside on the observation deck we heard a train horn blasting but couldn't decide exactly where it was. Joani pointed out the tracks below us and I said they were just unused sidings - no through train would be using those. Yeah, thirty seconds later here comes the train on that same track. 

We watched the thunderstorm rolling in and decided to leave the walk around Ft. Collins for another visit.

 Be sure to climb the stairs to the observation deck for a view of Fort Collins...

 ...and if you are lucky, a slow-moving train...

...and a view of the Rockies complete with a thunderstorm.

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