Sunday, June 30, 2019, Move to Lee's Summit, MO

I thought we took our time this morning. Had a nice bacon and eggs breakfast before getting everything ready to travel. We left around 10:30 and reached our next campground, a county park in Lee's Summit, MO, just after noon. It was only 107.0 miles (94,245.5 total) but it was a strange route working our way around the south side of Kansas City. When we arrived we learned checkout was 3:00 and our site was still occupied. We parked in an empty site and ran the generator for a couple of hours until our site was clear. 

While you sit there waiting you start thinking of random things like - What's the deal? Joani's research told us that there were only 5 exceptions to the "no possessive apostrophes" rule for geographical features. Lee's Summit (that's right, I put an apostrophe in there) seemed to be thumbing its nose at that notion since it appears with the apostrophe on Google maps! But then Joani checked further and found that paper maps did not have the apostrophe, so it is Google that's defying the USGS rules. 

We also both starting to wonder why Phoenix has such a bad reputation for heat when everywhere we've stopped since the mountains of Colorado has been extremely hot and humid. I think it has been 100+ or very nearly 100 every day for the past week. We were beginning to long for that dry desert heat again.

Finally, our site was empty. It was not very level but the 50 amp power and the shade trees on each side would let us stay cool! This will be a good base for visiting some interesting things in Kansas City in the next few days.

Lots of breathing room in this park!

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