Tuesday, January 15, 2019, Move to Quartzite, AZ

Today's move from North Ranch in Congress, AZ, to Holiday Palms in Quartzsite, AZ, was an easy-peezy 95.9 miles (91,204.0 total). There was very little traffic, no grueling hills and every corner was a nice wide turn. All that positive leads me to the negatives - it rained on us the entire trip making our car an absolute mess and a truck threw a rock at our windshield making another little chip. GRRRR! At least this one is small enough to be easily filled.

Somehow we were checked into site B16 near the front of the park (away from the freeway noise) which will make it much more convenient to take advantage of the spa and hot showers.

Three specimens we are confident we will not find in the Arizona desert.
Desert Rose - $1.07
Sliced Ammonite - $2.42
Awesome Broken Ammonite - $6.73

This is the backside of the little Ammonite in the previous picture. I love the fractals on the Ammonites.
(Kids, do you want one?)

A closeup of the broken Ammonite I look forward to slicing.

You can't get this staying on BLM land (David or the spa).

After a day of rain, this is a welcome sunset.

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