Wednesday, January 23, 2019, Move to Jojoba Hills SKP Park

Thanks to the time zone change we had an extra hour of sleep before a quick breakfast and then we were back on the road. Our second day of driving took us another 123.3 miles (91,444.3 total) to the Jojoba Hills Escapee Park in Aguanga, California. Through the San Gorgonio Pass the wind turbine farm left me with mixed feelings. More than 4,000 units certainly spoiled the beauty of the valley and I'm pretty sure they were no friend to the birds in the area but the lure of "free" energy had its grip on Californians.

Joani caught a nice alignment of the moon over Mt San Jacinto. I think it turned out rather well considering it was taken through the windshield while we were traveling along the freeway.

The drive was completely uneventful until the last few miles of Highway 79 south of Temecula, CA. It changed from six lanes of beautifully smooth, straight highway to a narrow, rough, two-lane country road in the space of a few hundred yards. The curves and hills dropped our average speed to around 40 mph for the last 10 miles. The uneven pavement had our coach pitching side to side and the swells made it feel like a carnival fun ride. I guess we have been on worse and it wasn't long so I would have to say it was a good day driving overall.

Jojoba Hills did not have any open sites so we decided to boondock for at least a few days while we look over the facilities and the area.

We had planned on boondocking so our holding tanks were empty and our fresh water tank was full. That could support a week or more and nice shower and laundry facilities made an even longer stay possible but the park had a seven-day limit in the dry camp area.

We were told later there were beekeepers a short distance away which explained why we heard and saw so many honey bees around the park. I don't remember them ever bothering us in the least but we could often hear a low and constant buzzing coming from certain flowering trees and bushes.

We took Sam and headed up the steep hill from the office to have a look at the permanent lots and amenities. The views were gorgeous and it was a beautiful day for a walk. We were certainly happy we made the effort to visit this SKP park.

The Pepper trees surrounding our coach were humming with bees. It made me wonder what Pepper tree honey might taste like.

What an amazing view looking south from the hilltop.

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