Wednesday, June 12, 2013, Wall Drugs, Iron Mountain Highway, Move to Hermosa, SD

We woke up early and hit the road by 7:00. We got to Heartland RV park in Hermosa, SD, by about 2:30 (363.5 miles, 2,068 trip/61,549.1 total). OK, I guess I'm spoiled now - that was a long trip!

Along I-90, we saw some strange things and a very dramatic change in the landscape.

This guy also claims to have the world's largest ball of invisible twine.

This was a beautiful drive. I was bouncing from window to window snapping pictures.

Our first glimpse of the badlands.

We stopped at Wall Drugs in Wall, SD. It was the definition of a "tourist trap," but it definitely was the only reason to stop along this stretch of highway and was worth the diversion.

This sure looked like the one we saw being made on our tour of the Sally Corp. in Jacksonville, FL.

Once we were settled in at the campground, we realized there was a lot of daylight left, so we took a drive. On the Iron Mountain Highway to Mt Rushmore, I rounded a corner and nearly hit this young pronghorn antelope.

A few miles further, we found a pair of antelope who were doing a bit of fencing with their horns.

We are about to get our first glimpse of Mount Rushmore, as you pass through this tunnel you can see it off in the distance.

A mule deer checks out the tourists and poses for pictures.

A few brackets for some HDR processing yielded these photos that help show how dramatic the sky was.

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