Thursday, January 30, 2014, American Coach Association (ACA) Rally, Las Vegas, NV

We drove a short 12.1 miles (6,809.0 trip/66,290.1 total) from North Las Vegas, NV, to the Las Vegas Motorcoach Resort at the south end of the strip. It was a short drive, but I was concerned about the heavy traffic and aggressive drivers. I think we were lucky with our departure time since the trip went smoothly.

The Las Vegas Motorcoach Resort is a very nice, upscale park with a lot of $1,000,000+ coaches and a lot of amenities. We are here to attend an American Coach Association (ACA) Rally. Since we are on the west coast (and we are members of the southeast chapter), there are only a few of the attendees that we have met previously, but we will have a lot of new friends before we leave. There are 61 American Coaches here and a lot of very nice people. Our site had been beautifully landscaped providing us a lot of privacy, while only being a few steps from all of the activity at the clubhouse.

Many of the sites were decked out with extensive outdoor kitchens and fireplaces.  

Just down the road from the resort, we visited the Silverton Casino and Hotel. They have an 11,000-gallon tank in the lobby that is home to more than 1,000 fish and more than 100 different species. Apparently, they have a mermaid show sometimes, but we just watched as the resident ichthyologist fed the rays and sharks. You could walk around the tank and view it from every direction - something you usually cannot do.

Joani got a few "artsy" shots of lighting over the bar in the casino area.

Connected to the Silverton was a Bass Pro Shop. It was undoubtedly the largest one we have ever been in at 160,000 sq ft (nearly 4 acres!). I know it is sexist, but this sign still made me laugh (Joani at least thought it was funny enough to take a picture). With all of the wildlife on display, it almost felt like visiting a museum.

I think #3 is my favorite.

The evening meal and first official gathering of the rally included tri-tip steak, chicken breast, and kielbasa sausage with some great beans, bread, salad and pie. We were stuffed before we left for the evening!

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