Thursday, January 9, 2014, FMCA Rally, Indio, CA,

 FMCA Rally at the Riverside County Fairgrounds in Indio, CA, Continues. The theme for the Western Area FMCA rally was "Dogpatch USA." It didn't mean much to us since we never followed the Li'l Abner comic strip. A lot of the folks were feeling the spirit with a hillbilly parade.

Later that evening, the entertainment was provided by three guys who play a variety of instruments and interject some humor as they performed some of the old classics. I think the crowd favorites were the Beatles and The Beach Boys, but there was a lot of other good music mixed in as well.

Three Guys and Thirty Instruments were so entertaining!!

Poor Willie - I did not remember him having such large ears.

Clearly, the drummer was the comic relief for the group doing a variety of crazy acts, but he was very talented (as were they all).

The coat and shoes are a drum set.

He did a great Tina Turner.

He definitely had the legs to pull it off.

This was an extreme example of a "group effort" - it was difficult to believe they could seamlessly continue the song with all of the goofing around. They were extremely entertaining and Joani insisted I get their CD (actually it was three DVDs and two CDs as a package) which I am sure we will enjoy again and again.

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