Saturday, September 3, 2016, New Tires for the Dream

Today, along with moving to a new park, we also made a stop to get new tires on the coach.  Our tires were manufactured in February of 2007, so they were closing in on 10 years old!  I had noticed the start of some cracking around the lettering on the sidewalls.  The tread still looked like new since they had less than 30,000 miles on them, but I had pushed my luck far enough.  I had arranged with Superior Tire Service in Eugene to have a set ready for us.  We arrived early in the morning, so they went to work immediately.  We headed out for breakfast to pass the time.

Ninety minutes later the coach was ready to go.  I purchased the tires through the FMCA program so it would be a few days before we would find out how much they cost.  (When we received our receipt from Michelin, we found the program saved us a total of $116 over the already low price that Superior would have charged - not as much as I had hoped but still well worth the effort!)

We continued north to the small town of Rickreall, just west of Salem. There was not a lot there other than the Polk County Fairgrounds where we stayed.  With the stop for tires to break up the trip, it seemed like the 130.1 miles (79,676.8 total) went by quickly.  I don't think we have ever stayed in any place with so much open space between campers.

When I opened the door, I was looking directly at what I thought was a large shark on a trailer.  That seemed pretty odd and the park manager just scoffed when I asked him about it.

Later, when Sam and I took our first walk, my perspective changed and the shark became a huge Salmon named Claudia Chinook.

Adjacent to the fairgrounds was Nesmith County Park.  It was very nice with large trees shading several walking trails along a small stream. The park land was donated by the Nesmith family who helped settle the area in the mid-1800's.

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