Friday, July 19, 2013, Craters of the Moon National Monument, Arco, ID

We returned to Craters of the Moon National Monument in Arco, ID, for the sole purpose of exploring the lava tube caves. We were denied on our previous visit because I was wearing the same shoes that I wore in Mammoth Cave. They were concerned I might have White Nose Syndrome spores that could affect the bats. 

The trek out to the caves.  DO NOT leave the path and step onto the lava flow!

Boy Scout Cave was very tight and still had a lot of ice crystals that looked like diamonds when the flashlight lit it up.

The opening to Beauty Cave was small but opened up to a large room.

Inside, looking out the opening.

Beauty cave was fairly large inside with a lot of moss and lichen to add color.

Micro-shot (can you tell this stuff fascinates me?)

An odd thing to read AFTER you have crawled through several of these,
and yet it did not stop us from crawling through more!

Indian Cave was huge and long with evidence of many campfires.

This looked like Obsidian to me.

We saw no bats, but still, quit a few birds and a few nests around the edges of this cave.

This looked like a lava tube inside of the lava tube we were in.

Indian Cave had several open areas (couldn't support it's own weight).

You exit this cave through a small opening and then walk OVER THE LAVA FLOW back to the path.

Do I look like I'm having fun?


This felt very naughty to walk on the flow.

It was amazing the amount of color that was lurking under the surface of this seemingly black landscape!
This rock is about a foot in diameter.

My toe is to add a little scale.


  1. Nice photos Dave, now I want to go there!

  2. Good to hear from you, Lee! Happy to see you following the blog. There's a lot out there you would love to photograph. You're retired - like Nike says - just do it!
