Tuesday, July 16, 2013, Arco, ID

Mountain View RV Park in Arco, ID, is a gem. A full trucker-sized breakfast is included in the price of a site. We started the morning with the campground provided free breakfast - two eggs, two plate-sized pancakes (we only had one apiece) and coffee. We shared a table with new friends Betsy and Gary (they are also American Coach owners). The free breakfast was really very good - it might have been one of the best pancakes I have ever had! Believe me, one pancake was enough to fill you up.

After breakfast, Gary and Betsy headed west (hopefully we will see them again one day) and we walked into town. I think it might have been 1/2 mile at the most. Not a lot to see - one grocery store, the Family Dollar store and a handful of other small businesses. We looked for corn on the cob - we wanted more after Chris, our neighbor in Victor, taught us a simple way to fix it - but it was not available.

Arco population - 995 very nice people (although, we have only met a few.)

I just liked the colors!
Why there is a 4-foot wide ball on a post in an alley, I can not say. 

This hill, visible from the whole town, was covered with numbers. It was a mystery until Jackie (the campground host) informed us the numbers represented high water marks. Of course, she was kidding - the numbers are painted each year by the graduating class to show their pride. She explained, a few years they got lazy and "recycled" some numbers. Those folks got to repaint the original numbers and paint their own, which explained the fresh paint on some of the older years. As for water, we haven't even seen a creek in this area. All of the water is underground.

We later saw this sign at the foot of the Number Hill.

I thought it interesting that the town had a "You are here" kind of map painted on the side of one downtown buildings on the main road through town. I guess a lot of people just couldn't take the time to stop for directions, so they can get their bearings while maintaining the speed limit.

Yep, That's rain coming!  Sam was already cowering.

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