Sunday, July 28, 2013, Another Section of the Greenbelt, Boise, ID

After our usual Hardee's breakfast, (sausage, egg and cheese biscuits), we visited another section of the Boise, Idaho, greenbelt. We walked toward downtown and saw some new stuff and made it back to some familiar stuff - all good!

Fallen Firefighters Memorial along the greenbelt.

A bodybuilding stop along the greenbelt in Ann Morrison Park.  So cool!!

He's keeping an eye on Sam.

Ann Frank Memorial (again)

At Julia Davis Park they were having the 19th annual "Goddess Fest" which was supposed to celebrate the divine feminine. I'm not sure exactly what that meant, but there was a lot of incense burning.

It felt like a trip back to the '60s, but I guess you would call it a new age festival.

The rose garden warranted a second visit.  I wish the blog could include the smell of the roses.

Miniature roses.  So cute!

The rose garden backed up to the Boise Art Museum. They had a few large sculptures on the grounds surrounding the museum.

A lot of businesses were positioned right along the greenbelt. I suspect some employees may take extra long lunch breaks (I know I would.)

The smell of food cooking pulled us off the greenbelt.  Joe's Crab Shack was dog-friendly...I love it!!!

He was begging for food until he saw Sam.

This is the tunnel under Main Street. 

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